Hey, I am Gavin.
About Me
I am studying computer science @University of Maryland(courses).
I enjoy creating impactful, performant, and scalable infrastructure
Some of my past experiences include:
- NVIDIA SWE Intern: Worked on Cloud Storage Infrastructure that deploys and maintains petabytes of storage and 5k servers and networks
- Tesla SWE Intern: Launched a distributed system that receives 120+ terabytes of images per month for Computer Vision Scanning Team
- Uber SWE Intern: Contributed to Golang backend microservices that sends updates to drivers during rides, resulting in 50% increased productivity.
Some competitions I have attended include:
- UC Berkeley Hackathon Finalist: Created a video conference web platform with sentiment analysis to track emotions. 1300+ participants.
- San Francisco Hackathon Winner: Created a sign language translator IOS app. 130+ participants.
- Silicon Valley Science Fair Honorable Mention: Developed IOS and Android app to detect plant diseases using image classification.
- Robotics World Championship Qualification: Led 40+ member software division of robotics team. Worked on apps, websites, and robot code.
- Languages: Golang, Python, Typescript, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML
- Frameworks and Libraries: NextJS, ReactJS,React Native, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Matplotlib, Sk-Learn, Flask, Kubernetes, Docker, Git, GitHub
Machine Learning
Deep Neural Network
Implementation and visualization of universal function approximator
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
Optimization of neural network weights with gradient descent
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
Neural Network Transforms
Visualization of neural network internal transformations
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
Neural Network Weights
Visualization of neural network weights from backpropagation
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
Logistic Regression
Binary classification using maximum likelihood estimation
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
Linear model using hyperplane decision boundary
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
Linear dimensionality reduction to capture variance
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
K Means Clustering
Implementation of unsupervised clustering algorithm
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
Optimization algorithms to find parameters for minima
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
Gradient Descent
Implementation and visualization of machine learning algorithm
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib
Quantum Classifier
Implementation of Classification Model on Quantum Circuit
Python, Qiskit, Matplotlib
Black Hole Stellar Orbits
Astrometry and orbit fit of star S2 around the black hole Sagittarius A*
Python, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib
Ecliping Binary Light Curve
Photometric analysis of eclipsing binary V* SW Lac
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib, AstroPy
Planetary System Simulation
Orbit simulation of planets and asteroids around stars
Python, NumPy, Matplotlib, AstroPy,