Gavin Hung

 Hey, I am Gavin.

About Me

I am studying computer science @University of Maryland(courses).

I enjoy creating impactful, performant, and scalable infrastructure

Some of my past experiences include:

  • NVIDIA SWE Intern: Worked on Cloud Storage Infrastructure that deploys and maintains petabytes of storage and 5k servers and networks
  • Tesla SWE Intern: Launched a distributed system that receives 120+ terabytes of images per month for Computer Vision Scanning Team
  • Uber SWE Intern: Contributed to Golang backend microservices that sends updates to drivers during rides, resulting in 50% increased productivity.

Some competitions I have attended include:


  • Languages: Golang, Python, Typescript, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML
  • Frameworks and Libraries: NextJS, ReactJS,React Native, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Matplotlib, Sk-Learn, Flask, Kubernetes, Docker, Git, GitHub

Deep Learning

Machine Learning



Competitions & Hackathons